How to properly record a call.
Step 1: Make a call either
- you can also record incoming calls.
Step 2: Press the "Record" button

Step 3: Press the End or let the call disconnect to complete the recording.

Just let the call end or press the the "End" button to successfully save the recording. Pressing the "Recording" button while in the call will cancel the recording session.
Here's an interactive tutorial of Tymbl's Call recording features. Click on the "Try It" option to display other viewing options and switch to full screen for better experience.

1. Start the call by clicking the Call button

2. Hover your mouse and click the Record button.

3. Reminder highlight!

4. It is important to get the consent before recording the call.
Click Agree

5. When you are done, click End button to finish the call recording.

6. You can find the call recording in the Lead information Pane.
Click Lead Information Button

7. Hover your mouse and select the Calls Tab. In this tab you can see the call history and recordings.

8. You can download the recording by clicking download icon

9. That's it. You're done.

Here's an interactive tutorial