This article provides instructions on how to set up or customize your voicemail greeting through Users & Settings
You can use the default Read auto-message or set up a custom voicemail greeting on your account.
Setting up your custom voicemail greeting
- Log in to your Tymbl account.
- Navigate to Settings > Voicemail. Navigate to Use my own voice
3.Under Use my own voice, click Record Greeting
4. Start recording your voicemail, click Stop Recording once done
5. Click Save then exit settings.
- Calls will be directed to your voicemail after 4 unanswered rings
If you choose Read auto-message, you'll have the option to type your voicemail script and an AI will read it for you.
You can find the voicemails in the Call inbox tab, from here you can listen or download the voicemails that you received.
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